Participating Lab: U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR)

The U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research is the Army’s premier research organization focused exclusively on the combat wounded and is the home of the only Burn Center in the Department of Defense. The USAISR conducts requirements-driven, programmatic research to develop knowledge and material products that drive evidence-based, best clinical practice solutions and deliver advanced technologies for the Warfighter. All are designed to facilitate more effective combat casualty care. Laboratory research is conducted in the areas of 1) blood and shock resuscitation, 2) hemorrhage and vascular dysfunction, 3) organ support and automation technology, 4) combat wound care, and 5) pain and sensory trauma.

Lab Address:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Lab Website:

Relevant Disciplines

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Cell Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Molecular Biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiology
  • Pre-Med

Research Opportunities Available

Click on a research opportunity to see details.


Energy Metabolism after Trauma and Hemorrhage

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
Trauma and hemorrhage lead to multiple pathological issues that are addressed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research. We believe that many of these pathologies (acute kidney failure, lung failure, gut necrosis, cytokine storm, etc.) are due to a fall in energy production due to ischemia. We are currently studying the cellular mechanisms that regulate ATP production after trauma and hemorrhage so that resuscitation strategies can be developed to mitigate these changes.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset need


Closed loop control of mechanical ventilation for combat casualties

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
The student will work as part of a multidisciplinary team including engineers, clinicians, and medical researchers that is developing a closed loop controller for automated control of mechanical ventilation. We will tailor the experience to the student’s interests by allowing them to choose which part of the project to support, including working with medical simulation and control theory to design, test, and implement closed loop control of mechanical ventilation.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Novel therapeutics to improve topical wound healing

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
The type and severity of injuries incurred on the battlefield is constantly evolving. This may be due to more advanced weaponry or a battlefield environment that has not yet been seen before. In the same manner, the way these injuries are treated must also evolve, to effectively treat the Warfighter. This Summer research opportunity makes use of large animal models of injury, specifically burn injury, and investigates how field-deployable therapies can aid in wound healing and Warfighter return-to-duty.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Investigation into the brain health effects of combined blast and radiation exposures on cognitive function and blood brain barrier integrity

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
The goal of this study is to understand the effects of blast and radiation on brain function. Blast exposure is a well-known cause of traumatic brain injury. Radiation exposure is also known to cause damage to the brain. In the event of a nuclear explosion, victims may be exposed to both blast and radiation simultaneously, therefore they may receive more severe brain damage as a result. This study will investigate the effects of blast and radiation exposure on brain function in rats. Brain function will be tested in rats with three different tests that measure learning and memory. Brain function tests will be conducted on the rats before and after exposure to blast, radiation, or blast plus radiation.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Investigation of Local Anesthetics Mechanisms at the Cellular and Molecular Levels

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
Despite widespread clinical use of local anesthetics, the precise mechanisms of anesthetic action are not fully understood. In terms of physiological action, a broad mechanism of local anesthetics including binding to ion channels to inhibit the generation and conduction of neurotransmission resulting in reduction of pain signals have been documented. However, how anesthetics affect different non-neuronal cell types and to which specific proteins they interact with remains to be established. In this project, the student will have an opportunity to explore common anesthetics such as bupivacaine and ropivacaine mechanisms in glial and macrophage cells using state of art in vitro techniques.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Evaluation of novel bioelectronic devices to treat traumatic muscle loss

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
The Combat Wound Care Team at ISR is evaluating a novel bioelectric device for the treatment of volumetric muscle loss. Volumetric muscle loss is the traumatic loss of muscle tissue that results is functional deficit. This can lead to life-long weakness, disability, and an overall lower quality of life. A pre-clinical swine model is used to assess these novel devices. Multiple outcomes measures are acquired during the assessment to include muscle function and volume & tissue inflammation and fibrosis. The student will have the opportunity to observe pre-clinical procedures, assist in data acquisition, and analyze outcome measures. The student will learn basics of ELISAs, computed tomography image analysis, and muscle function analysis to complete this work.  

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Evaluation of Physiological Parameters in Pre-Clinical Trauma Models

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
My lab focuses on predicting/detecting, preventing, and treating infections and sepsis using swine models. The incidence of infection and sepsis is expected to increase in future conflicts. Currently there is a lack of far-forward capability to detect and diagnose sepsis. We are in the process of establishing a swine model of sepsis that can be used as a testing platform to evaluate new diagnostic technologies. The Intern will be involved in evaluating large datasets generated from the sepsis related animal experiments generated to date. Specifically, heart rate variability (HRV) has been suggested as a predictor of mortality in sepsis patients. The long-term HRV recordings and other associated physiological values will be analyzed to determine if any can be used as a predictor. As part of this research project, we would work on your ability to analyze and visualize large datasets (using Excel, R, Python, PowerBI). Other important aspects will be to perform literature searches and understand the literature, as well as scientific communication skills to include public speaking, and manuscript writing.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Maintaining Organ Function and Survival During Prolonged Casualty Care" or "Novel Method for Cold Storage of Blood

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
Participate in research to develop a novel fast acting antishock drug by targeting tissue oxygenation and metabolic homeostasis in a small animal model; or alternate project will assess treatments for maintaining blood cell function during cold storage.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed


Gene Expression Changes in Stored Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
The project would involve our genomics research and would involve using RT-PCR to validate targets of interest found by NextGen sequencing. 

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed

USAISR Opp #10

Evaluating novel analgesic efficacy in an extremity trauma model of battlefield-induced pain behaviors

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
This project utilizes specific tests that measure spontaneous, reflexive, and affective components of pain in a battlefield relevant extremity trauma (ET) model, with and without the administration of novel analgesics. We will also evaluate the molecular mechanisms underlying the ET model to identify biomarkers of pain and novel therapeutic targets. The student participant will be able to observe behavior techniques, collect tissue and blood samples, and analyze behavior data. 

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed

USAISR Opp #11

Novel approaches to the management of burns

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
Clinical research on new approaches to the management of burns.

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed

USAISR Opp #12

Novel techniques for burn wound care

Research Opportunity Location:
Fort Sam Houston, TX

Research Opportunity Description:
Clinical research on new techniques for burn wound care

Research Opportunity Skill Set:

No specific skillset needed